4 tips for efficient and reliable music making on brass and woodwind instruments
My 4 tips for efficient and reliable music making on brass and woodwind instruments (in chronological manner): 1. Listen (don't go on...
Exercises, Devices and Systems for Embouchure development and optimizing the use of facial muscles
The strength and endurance of the facial muscles are directly related to our ability to control them and coordinate the activities of...
Another way to practice Arban #18
get creative with simple exercises from the Arban's book Just another way to practice the exercises made of crochets at the beginning...
Music literacy and brass instrument fingerings for beginners
This is directed to anyone who starts on a brass instrument without being able to read music. You would be better off and will have...
Reducing pressure for brass instruments
This is my first ever blog post, so please bear with me. First of all notice the title - it is REDUCING pressure. My own personal opinion...